
利率在变化,十大彩票游戏平台的需求和财务状况也在变化. What worked for you when you first got your mortgage might not be working now. 再融资你的抵押贷款允许你改变你的利率, 按月付款及贷款条款,更切合您的需要.

Benefits of Refinancing Your Mortgage with 十大可靠彩票平台

Whether you have an existing 十大可靠彩票平台 mortgage loan or one with another lender, 十大彩票游戏平台有可以帮你省钱的选择.


  • 减少月供: Refinancing can help you lower your monthly payment by increasing your term and/or lowering your interest rate. This can be a great option if your income situation changes and you need to lower your mortgage payment.
  • 减少贷款利息总额; 通过缩短贷款期限或降低利率, you can decrease the total interest you pay over the life of the loan. This is especially true if you switch from an Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) to a Fixed-Rate Mortgage when rates are low.
  • 合并其他债务: Refinancing can be an option if you have a Home Equity Loan or Home Equity 信贷额度 and can save money by consolidating it into your mortgage.


See our great mortgage rates for our whole line of mortgage products.背影




A:如果你想为你的房子再融资以省钱, take time to do the math and determine if it will actually get you the right amount of money. Consider the amount of time you plan to stay in your home as well as the impact of things like closing costs and pre-payment penalties.

Here are some indicators that it’s probably time to consider refinancing:

  • 如果是在你的抵押贷款期限的早期. Refinancing is usually best if you’ve been in your home a short time as your payments are primarily going toward interest. Down the road when you shift to paying more principal than the interest, 保留你最初的贷款可能是最好的.
  • 如果利率下降. 如果抵押贷款利率下降,这可能是再融资的好时机. By either keeping your current repayment term and lowering your monthly payments or keeping your monthly payments relatively the same and shortening your repayment terms, 你可以降低你的总借贷成本.
  • 如果你的房子增值了. 如果你的房子已经大幅增值, refinancing may allow you to take advantage of that boost in equity. You could then use those funds to pay off debt or make a large purchase.


A:如果你想降低月供的话, 尽早还清你的房贷, 或者通过降低利率来节省利息, 你可能想为你的抵押贷款再融资:

  • 如果是在你的抵押贷款期限的早期. Refinancing is usually best if you’ve been in your home a short time as your payments are primarily going toward interest. Down the road when you shift to paying more principal than the interest, 保留你最初的贷款可能是最好的.
  • 如果利率下降. 如果抵押贷款利率下降,这可能是再融资的好时机. By either keeping your current repayment term and lowering your monthly payments or keeping your monthly payments relatively the same and shortening your repayment terms, 你可以降低你的总借贷成本.
  • 如果你的房子增值了. 如果你的房子已经大幅增值, refinancing may allow you to take advantage of that boost in equity. You could then use those funds to pay off debt or make a large purchase.


答:抵押贷款指数的利率每天都有所不同 优惠利率,这是美国.S. 美联储的影响. 从那里, we determine what rate you qualify for by checking such things as your credit score, 付款记录和工作记录. 你的财务状况越好,提供给你的利率就越低.

获取有关抵押贷款变量的信息, please contact us to speak to one of our knowledgeable mortgage team members at 800-852-7598, 2977分机.


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